Hello humans.
Remember, that physical distancing doesn't mean that you have to stay stuck on the couch, watching Netflix, the news or scrolling social media.
Get out into your backyard, courtyard, balcony. Put your bare feet on the ground.
Fill your lungs with fresh air, get sun on your bod. Vitamin D has a crucial role on supporting the immune system.
Move. Lift weights. Squat. Jump. Dance. Stretch. Yoga. Pilates. Tai Chi. Practice martial arts. Play hand ball or rugby with your kids. Play backyard cricket. Play hopscotch. Draw with chalk. Get to the beach if you can (with safe distance). Surf. Ocean swim. Stand up paddle. Kayak. Splash.
Build a sandcastle.
Learn first aid. Play with essential oils.
Garden. Plant seeds. Grow food. Collect seeds. Build a patio. Put a swing in a tree. Build a tree house or a mud kitchen. Jump on trampolines. Do handstands. Make an obstacle course.
Bird watch. Observe insects. Look for patterns in the clouds. Lie on the grass.
Listen to music. Sing. Sing loudly. Sing together. Harmonise. Create an online drum circle. Play or learn an instrument.
Start a blog. Write that book. Write your ebook. Write letters. Write poetry. . Paint. Draw.
Study a course. Start or grow an online business. Record a podcast. Write a diary. Learn a language. Make a vision board.
Sort through your photos- digital or physical. Untangle your Christmas lights.
Learn how to ferment. Kick the sugar habit. Practice intermittent fasting. Drink water. Lots.
Educate yourself on health. Read independent studies. Follow the money. Look for agendas. Stay open-minded. Become an independent, educated advocate for your and your family's health.
Learn to love your body. Embrace every soft bit, jiggly bit, too big bit, too small bit, crooked bit. Let go of that shit. Thank your body. Go without wearing makeup. Learn that you are perfect just as you are. Make friends with yourself.
Speak up for people who have no voice. Adopt animals.
Connect with someone from somewhere else in the world. Learn about their story. Learn about their culture. Share yours.
Knit. Crochet. Sew. Felt. Tie-dye. Carve. Whittle. Sculpt. Create. Wood turn. Weld. Weave. Do dot-to-dots. Make dream-catchers.
Tell jokes. Get your kids to perform a play. Dress up. Have a mock sword fight. Be a ninja. Be a pirate. Make a fort. Play dolls houses. Have a teddy bear tea party. Build with blocks. Build a train set. Have a beyblade or pokemon showdown. Make stupid faces at eachother. Laugh until your sides hurt.
Find a spiritual practice that connects with you. Meditate. Teach your kids to meditate. Balance your chakras. Listen to nature. Listen to the earth. Learn how to breathe; properly. Connect with your breath. Find out who you are. Listen to the whispers of the ancestors. Drum. Rattle. Gather and burn herbs. Talk to plants. Learn herbal folklore. Become wort-cunning. Offer prayers to the earth. Create collective healing circles. Learn about the hero's journey.
Have sex. Wild and passionate. Slow and intimate. (partner optional 😉). Learn tantra. Pleasure. Release. Hug. Cuddle. Hold.
Practice eye-gazing.
Play Lego. Play board games. Play charades. Do a puzzle.
Re-arrange your living room or bedroom for a fresh change. Paint furniture.
Train your dog to do tricks. Create a YouTube channel for your cat.
Create and share uplifting Spotify playlists.
Find out your family history. Write it down. Draw a family tree. Ask questions. Share stories. Who are you? Where did you come from? Find out everything you can about your family's story, history and culture.
Learn about frequency healing. Learn about energy. Connect science with spirituality.
Play music into the night. Play jazz. Mosh in your living room. Listen to the music you loved as a teenager. Re-live your wedding dance in the living room.
Tell ghost stories. Look up at the stars.
Learn about manifestation and the law of attraction. Practice gratitude. Every day. Globally- all of us.
Create care packages for the elderly, disabled or vulnerable.
Write letters to people in nursing homes and respite homes who cannot have visitors. Write letters of encouragement to NRL and AFL players who are playing without a crowd. Write a letter to war veterans telling them how much you appreciate them, even though they can't March this ANZAC Day. Write letters to supermarket check-out staff, doctors and nurses. Write a letter of thanks to our farmers. Write a letter to your heros- firemen, authors, scientists, celebrities, musicians or someone in your community. Re-connect with a friend who you have lost touch with.
Make amends. Write a letter or email of apology. Forgive your ex. Be vulnerable. Reach out for support. Ask for help. Offer help. Have an online coffee date. Clear your trauma. See a counsellor online. Do EFT (tapping) to clear fear, anxiety and trauma.
Support small business.
Support artists, musicians, entertainers, workshop facilitators, instructors, PT's, practitioners...as they navigate the online world. Order takeaway from your local cafe or restaurant.
Share this blog post to encourage and inspire others.
Remember that the world is a beautiful place. Remember that kindness is contagious. Remember that your inner world reflects your outer world. Practice radical love.
Get off the couch. Turn off unnecessary "news". Be mindful of what you feed your mind.
Breathe. Calm. Consolidate. Health and Healing.
Humans, you have this.

Yours always in expansion, health, growth and vulnerability. Sammi Zajko xxxx